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كوياف ترافيل

كوياف ترافيل

كوياف ترافيل


نبذة عن كوياف ترافيل

Coyav Travel is a distinguished travel agency dedicated to crafting personalized and unforgettable travel experiences. With a commitment to quality service and competitive pricing, the company offers a diverse range of over 220 daily activities, ensuring that every traveler’s unique preferences are met. Their services are supported by licensed guides and comfortable transportation facilities, aiming to provide a travel experience that suits everyone’s taste.

الخدمات المقدمة:

  • رحلات القوارب: Experience the serene beauty of the Mediterranean with various boat tours, including the Green Canyon Boat Tour and the Pirate Yacht Tour: Legend Big Kral.

  • Nature and Adventure Tours: For thrill-seekers, Coyav Travel offers jeep safaris, rafting adventures, and combined jeep safari and boat tours in picturesque locations like Green Lake.

  • Cultural Tours: Immerse yourself in local culture with tours such as the Manavgat Boat Tour, which includes visits to historical bazaars and natural wonders.

  • VIP Tours: Enjoy luxury experiences like private yacht tours and exclusive Turkish bath programs, designed for ultimate relaxation and comfort.

  • Dolphin Tours: Witness captivating dolphin shows and interactive experiences, with opportunities to swim with dolphins in facilities like Sealanya.

  • Aquarium Tours: Explore diverse marine life and underwater ecosystems through guided aquarium tours.

  • Safari Tours: Engage in thrilling safari experiences, including quad buggy safaris and horse riding adventures.

  • Turkish Bath Experiences: Rejuvenate with traditional Turkish bath services, offering relaxation and cultural immersion.

Coyav Travel’s extensive array of services ensures that travelers can find the perfect activity to enrich their journey, whether they’re seeking adventure, cultural enrichment, or relaxation.

عنوان العمل

الجانب Mahallesi Atatürk Bulvarı N0:102 A Manavgat
ديك رومى

هاتف: +90 (532)-263-6974
موقع إلكتروني: https://coyavtravel.com/

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