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وكالة سفريات بوسيطا فلاي

وكالة سفريات بوسيطا فلاي

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نبذة عن وكالة سفريات بوسيطا فلاي

Buseta Travel is a distinguished tour operator based in Antalya, Turkey, specializing in organizing both domestic and international trips. Renowned for its exceptional service and expertise, the company has established itself as a leading supplier in Antalya’s tourism sector.

الخدمات المقدمة:

  • Domestic Tours: Curated trips originating from Antalya, showcasing Turkey’s rich cultural heritage and natural beauty.
  • International Tours: Comprehensive travel packages to various global destinations, tailored to provide unique and memorable experiences.
  • Reservation Services:
    • Airline Tickets: Efficient booking services for both domestic and international flights.
    • Hotel Accommodations: Personalized hotel reservations to suit diverse preferences and budgets.
    • تأجير السيارات: Convenient car rental arrangements to enhance travel flexibility.
    • Tour Packages: Specialized tour planning to ensure a seamless travel experience.
  • Personalized Travel Plans: Customized itineraries designed to meet individual travel desires and requirements.
  • Professional Consultation: Expert advice and support to assist clients in making informed travel decisions.

Buseta Travel’s commitment to excellence and personalized service makes it a preferred choice for travelers seeking quality and reliability in their travel arrangements.

عنوان العمل

هاشميشان ماه. أتاتورك كاد. شقة أكبابا. رقم: 79 إي كابي رقم: B6 موراتباشا
ديك رومى

هاتف: +90 (543)-313-0758
موقع إلكتروني: https://www.busetatravel.com/

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