खाली समय पर्यटन
फ्री टाइम टूरिज्म के बारे में
Established in 2016, Free Time Tour is a dynamic travel agency specializing in providing unique and immersive experiences for travelers seeking to explore diverse destinations. With a commitment to quality and customer satisfaction, the company offers a wide array of services designed to cater to various interests and preferences.
प्रदान की जाने वाली सेवाएं:
दैनिक भ्रमण: Free Time Tour organizes daily excursions, including engaging activities like fishing tours suitable for the entire family.
Adventure Activities: For thrill-seekers, the company provides adventure-filled experiences such as Segway tours, bicycle tours, and kayak tours, offering interactive and informative journeys.
Self-Guided Tours: Travelers preferring to explore at their own pace can opt for self-guided tours, allowing for a personalized experience.
Boat Excursions: Free Time Tour offers boat excursions, including dining experiences and eco-tours, enabling guests to enjoy scenic waterways and marine life.
Recreation Rentals: The company provides equipment rentals such as bicycles and kayaks, facilitating independent exploration of various locales.
Group Events: Specializing in organizing group events, Free Time Tour caters to corporate outings, family gatherings, and other group activities, ensuring a memorable experience for all participants.
Free Time Tour’s dedication to delivering exceptional travel experiences makes it a preferred choice for those looking to discover new adventures and create lasting memories.
साहसिक पर्यटन, हवाई अड्डा स्थानांतरण सेवाएं, अंताल्या पर्यटन, एटीवी टूर, नाव यात्रा, कप्पादोसिया पर्यटन, कार का किराया, शहर की यात्राएं, सांस्कृतिक पर्यटन, कस्टम टूर, समूह भ्रमण, गर्म हवा के गुब्बारे की सवारी (कप्पाडोसिया), जीप सफारी, पामुक्काले पर्यटन, पैराग्लाइडिंग रोमांच, निजी स्थानान्तरण, राफ्टिंग यात्राएं, स्कूबा डाइविंग भ्रमण, तुर्की स्नान अनुभव (हमाम पर्यटन)
व्यावसायिक पता
ÇARŞI MAH. सेरल सोकक युका अपार्टमेंट। नहीं:10/बी
फ़ोन: +90 (535)-864-2652
वेबसाइट: https://freetimetour.com